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Posts posted by Frameskip

  1. Personally, I think there's something to be said for someone who has the cojones - not to mention intelligence and creativity and whatnot - to write lyrics -and- sing them. I know I probably wouldn't do it. I had no problem with the sound quality or balance myself, but you can just take that as a sign of my untrained ear. Not only that, but Protricity's playing is a definite seal of approval, or at least that's what I take it as.

    It's different, yes, and not everyone's going to like it. For what it's worth, though, I *thoroughly* enjoyed it. Credits to Mr. Salzman for his placement of the title-screen SE; that was a nice touch (even though someone else has mentioned it already).

    Thanks for the ReMix! One of these days, I'll get one of mine up on OCR... maybe. ^_^;;

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