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  1. Okay, thanks for the info, I'll look into it. And no, I'm not trying to rip off someone else's midi. I had tried making some changes to a song I had in midi form, and then when I tried making it into an MP3, it sounded like crap, so I was hoping to find a different way to make it sound realistic and not like the extremely tinny sounding instruments that midis use.
  2. Sorry about taking so long to reply, been doing some other stuff. Umm...one of the things I had said there was that I was using the demo, so I kinda can't save anything. Is there anything else I can do to apply samples to my midis? Please help me..?
  3. Ok..this is probably in this topic somewhere already, but I didn't want to have to go through 97 pages to find it.... I got the FL demo, and I'm messing around with it. I finally found out how to get midis to play in it and was testing and discovered that .fst files could be applied to the midis. What I was wondering is, is there a way to either get more .fst files, or make new .fst files out of .wavs. Appreciate it if anyone can give me a hint. Edit: Also, if you can't make new .fst files, how do you add the samples to a midi to make it sound more realistic?
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