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Posts posted by ChibiSephirothsEndgamelv6

  1. Wow.....this is nuts, I found about his death not here but through a Mugen (2-D fighter maker engine)thread on another site. I know some of you know that he made characters for this engine, but the way he was honored and loved here, it was the same in the Mugen community. The Video game remixing community and the Mugen community lost a great and talented man. The man was so talented in both communities and was considered to be part of the best in both communities, it should tell you right there what kind of man he was. I had only kinda talked to him once on a mugen forum....when I found it he was Reu the remixer in the OC Remixes. I couldn't believe how one guy could so talented and be well known in two huge communities and the fact the guy was a athlete. He will be miss by many. Hate to see such a talented and creative soul like him go. I am kinda depressed by the news, what a downer.

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