First of all, thanks for actually taking the time to look at the picture, and respond. I really appreciate it.
I do apologize if drawing PH, or RPT is overdone -- I've never seen it done, but then again, I'm not at all involved in fan communities, nor have I looked around.
While I respect your opinion, and understand your frustration with seeing the same thing over and over again, I think you're kind of forgetting that what makes the Silent Hill games so powerful for people is just how subjective they are. I don't know if you can really call anyone's interpretation of the monster as misinterpreted, because its purpose or reason is never explained. I think what makes Pyramid Head, or The Red Pyramid Thing, so scary is that its up to you what to make of it. While it might be a representation of James' suicidal tendencies to some, someone else might make it out to be a representation of James' conflicted emotions toward women -- or maybe, as just as an independent creature bent on destroying James.
Even if the creators issued an official statement saying "The pyramid monster represents..." the game is setup in such a way that people would still get whatever they want out of it.
But anyway, thanks again for the comments. I don't have any hard feelings or anything, but I don't think its necessarily fair to dismiss others' interpretations as misguided.