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Posts posted by (Lazarus)

  1. (First off don't hash me out because this is my first post here ^^)

    I have been a great fan of OCREMIX for quite some time. I have listened to nearly every remix here; this one holds a very special place in my heart. The Remixing part was done quite spledidly - though at some parts it's kinda hard to figure out exactly what song is being remixed here >_> The lyrics are 1/2 & 1/2 blow me away. It's not as centered towards Megaman X as it is towards Video Gaming in general. I thought that they were creative and deserved some positive feedback.

    I believe that some people may not like this remix because they are focusing more on the Remix itsself, and not on the multiple feelings & memories behind the words and the sounds. Not only are some of us hardcore MegaMan fans, but ultimate 1337 pwnz0r Video Game fans. This remix brings out a lot of old memories (I'll be player one and you be player two), which may bias somebody's opinion on tis song. They also may not like it because so many other people do. (Think positive, people! ^^) Some people may also like it because of how others think of it. It happens.

    The lyrics are three-fourths my favorite part of this song. I'm glad that ReMixers are adding words to their songs. I'm glad that the lyrics were all Video Game related... just that they also kinda shoulda been Mega Man related, too :/ They bring out lots of good feelings. Star has a great voice, and puts it to great use; sounds very, very professional. Should be on the radio stations everywhere :P

    Overall? I give it a 9.3/10 Great, awesome job Star. Another fantastic piece.

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