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Posts posted by Tauman

  1. Now, I'm still pretty new to the world of MegaMan and it's bosses, but there's a boss in MegaMan Zero that's been a pain in the ass for a little while now, and nothing I do seems to get me past the thing.

    Named Harpuia, this boss is just owning my ass regularly. Between his being airborne most of the time, his downward slash attack, his triple wave combo (which I've gotten pretty good at avoiding most of the time), and the attack where he dives down and grabs you, lifts you way up and then slams your butt to the ground, I just can't beat the guy. The best I've done against him is getting rid of 1.5 bars of life. Eventually, he wears my character down and then it's over everytime.

    I know there's way to beat him, but I refuse to look up a game faq. I've beaten the first six MegaMan games from the NES days (thanks to the "Anniversary Collection" that came out), and I've beaten MegaMan X as well. All bosses have a weakness, and they all have a way to work around the attacks they use. I just have yet to find the right system (or get enough luck) to beat Harpuia.

    yay for MMZ! ^_^

    1. equip the ice chip

    2. charge up the Z-Saber

    3. as he dives down at you let him have it!

    4. rinse and repeat

    that game is sooooo hard but i wouldn't have it any other way...

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