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Posts posted by mathphileBill

  1. Just curious as to how many songs I should have in total after I have downloaded all three torrents. I have 1,202 but I think I might have accidentally deleted a few from the list (cut and paste instead of copy and paste :oops: ). What should the grand total be for all three torrents?

    Edit: With all of the songs, except for the very last one, I have a total of 1304, and I think that even includes Rabbit's Zelda song and Music of My Groin...that should be everything.

    If you have everything from the torrents, you should have 1213, if I did my math correctly.

  2. One thing that I agree with you on is that the previous torrents weren't that well advertised, but to be honest there's not much you can really do apart from make a thread about it, and post in this thread. Having torrent links on the front page/on mix download pages would be a nice idea, but I'm not sure if Dave would like the idea of having "official" torrents before the lockdowns, plus it'd be extra effort on his plate rather than mine.

    True, I hadn't thought of that. Well, I guess maybe we just try for a stickie on the top of gendisc so that it would be visible.

    I somewhat dispute the lack of seeding argument though, since I seeded all of the torrents I made for at least the first two weeks. However, during those two weeks I had at most 2 people downloading the torrent. Torrents after that were even worse.

    I guess I meant that if we didn't have enough people participating, those that do would have to put up with my cable connection seeding the torrent, not that it's terrible, it's just no T3.

    I may take you up on that offer for help when I get a chance to do the torrents. I'll check out some hosting sites as well and see what I can find, as well as download ABC. Maybe having the torrents might work this time.

  3. TCK, I knew that you did. I am wondering about the mechanics of it, not only for perhaps doing torrents for OCRemix, but for other projects I'm working on as well.

    But, let me ask you this? Since torrents could be made with the current mixes, couldn't we get a more prominent spot somewhere on the site so that more people would be able to participate in the torrent. In my case, when I saw your post a long while ago about your torrents, it was long since you had actually seeded them, so I couldn't get the mixes off the torrent.

    Also, what is the cost to seed torrents? As far as I understand them (which is not very much at all) they use very little bandwith. So, if a torrent could be started and left on (barring any problems) it could be available for anyone to use if they ran across it. I realize that if there weren't many people seeding it, it would be slow, but if we can get the torrent into a high visibility area, it may prove to be popular.

    Anyway, sorry about the long post, torrents just seem to be the way to go if someone needs to get the latest 100 mixes. I have been seeding the main OCR torrents for several months and would like do a bit more to help out.

  4. Hey guys,

    I'm wondering if there is a good tutorial on how to start a bittorrent. I wouldn't mind making torrents with the most recent pieces (+1250) if I could only figure out how to do it. If any of you know a quick and simple way to do it, I'd be much obliged for the help. I have my own domain and access to the webserver, as well as have the ability to make torrents, I am having trouble figuring out how the trackers and announce URL's work. Anyway, thanks in advance.

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