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Posts posted by BluefoxIcy

  1. ... it will return some day in the future. Hopefully before I move. Why I couldn't exchange it at Gamestop I'll never know, Activision is dumb.

    In the mean time, I guess I'll play songs from Guitar Hero 3 on my guitar, and drool over GH Aerothingy and GH4 coming out this year. Is anyone getting just the GH Aerosmith disc? I want the guitar too so I'll probably get the whole pack....

  2. If you ask me, I would definitely say that today's kids are jilted. Unless you're talking GTA, Smash Brothers, or some well-marketed, A+ graphic video games, these kids don't "know wussup".


    Today's games suck. They push graphics above all else. Someone said their kid wanted guitar hero and wanted it on xbox because xbox has better graphics than Wii; I told him Wii has more fun games than Xbox, since even the shitty games are fun and they're not all Call of Duty or Halo (FPSBox 360).

    Today's music sucks too. All these kids have iPods full of classic rock. Anyone who has good music from today is listening to either a cover band (like video game bands) or some band you've never heard of. If they're listening to Brittney or Spice Girls (okay that's yesterday, but still in my life time) they're NOT listening to anything good. I remember growing up the major topic in music was always some band sucks...

    Movies suck today but I love Marvell Studios. Thank God for someone not releasing constant crackhead garbage.

  3. How about you learn to play it before you actually start modding it. I've been playing for years and I still haven't felt the need to switch out my DiMarzio IBZ pickups. Tone is in the fingers dude. =3

    At 50% volume I can massively overdrive my amp on 10 on my Les Paul with one pickup active. Hell, at 30% I have some sweet overdrive.

    At 100% volume, my amp is deep into some soft overdrive in any configuration on my S. The output from those Infinity 1/2 humbuckers is nothing. The DiMarzio pickups Ibanez ships on some models are freaking awesome, but the Infinity pickups are trash.

    Also I am learning to play... I started following along with the first minute or so of TTFAF and Black Magic Woman recently :3 I still need improvement but this stuff isn't really that hard to play.

  4. Why do you want a humbucker-ish sound out of a middle single coil? It's a single coil for a reason. Humbucker-ish sounding single coils are usually for guitars that are equipped ONLY with single coils.

    Get a Blue or Red Velvet, Lace Sensor, or something else single coil only. It will open up your sound options tremendously.

    These are all four conductor, I can short the bottom coil out if I want. I plan on replacing the pots with push-pulls (500k) for that reason; I'm even considering having single by default and pull to humbuck for the reasons you stated :)

    Tech Talk: One of the obvious effects of mounting a plate on the bottom of a pickup is to boost the magnetic field.

    ... it focuses it in a smaller area, but okay, same end result.

  5. I'm having hella trouble with this. Someone said they put a DiMarzio Chopper in the single coil slot for an Ibanez S470 and needed to do some wood work to fit it; I can't figure out why. The Infinity INFS1 single coil looks like a Strat-style single coil, and so does the Chopper but it's a bit thicker.

    I'm looking at an Area 58 stacked humbucker instead, wondering if it'll have the same problem; massive googling doesn't bring up anything and I've called a few guitar stores and techs and nobody knows! Does anyone know much about the form factor of stacked humbuckers versus single coils like the INFS1? Should I go with an ISCV2 instead (used in Steve Vai's signature Ibanez model, so it'll probably fit my Ibanez fine)? This complements two Evolutions (was going to be Evo in the bridge and Steve's Special in the neck, if I change my mind I have two Steve's Specials on hand), I'd rather mix the Area 58 or Chopper into it than go Evo-Evo-Evo.

  6. Who here is interested in the sunday bbq as well?

    Honestly, I can understand being social for a couple hours, but two days is a little taxing on me. I don't think I can swing that in one go; Satan has already sent me a C&D for the last ice storm they had down there.

    Seriously? If there's enough people there I'll go. I'm no good with small crowds; I'd rather a bigger group.

  7. Hearos are extremely good. I use them for testing the higher gain settings on my amps, and in general for playing freaking loud on anything with a crunchy overdrive. They sound great, and they work really well, enough that you can blast whatever without much trouble.

    Edit: I've tested these with ~5W on max output (5.7W), they do fine; every doubling of power adds 3dB, so 80 watts amps should give 12dB louder, 160W 15dB, and 320W 18dB. Since they have about 18dB attenuation, you can expect a 300W amp to sound akin to my bedroom amp without earplugs.

  8. Lunch! I would like to suggest a fine establishment located in the Inner Harbor known as Hooters. (Just kidding. Don't hurt me, pixie!)

    You laugh, but I actually hear their food is really good. I've never been there.

    Every time I go out with people it seems to fall to Japanese, Mongolian, or Chinese. Unless I'm hanging at Denny's (my social life consists of Denny's, it's complicated).

    Outside of the Flowermart, is there anything anyone else wants to do? Don't be afraid if others might not want to do it.

    Let's get a Rick Astley CD and a portable boom box and spend 3 minutes at the Inner Harbor, then act like absolutely nothing happened and disperse.

  9. If I can't have my media player this small I won't have it at all.

    There's a minimal view but I don't like it. Besides, you don't really get to see the playlist.


    ... can be made narrower (as wide as the menu), but it's that tall. Useless.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I can add a toy that docks a play/pause button to my panel and that's it, but bleh. It's got a remote control icon up there anyway.

    That thing is way too big

    Why aren't you using XMMS?

    Oh yeah, let's see you shop/download/listen to new music through stores in XMMS huh >:|

  10. So...it pretty much looks like every other iTunes clone out there?

    Yep. I can change the thing at the top to be Genre/Artist/Album or Aritst/Album or not there, but besides that pretty much.

    The difference is I can play any song in here fully, it's like it's already here. If I buy something it's buying from another store; from Jamendo I don't have to pass any money but I can pass on a dollar or $5 or $100 to whoever whenever. Not sure how it gets split up.

    In Magnatune it's mandatory $5-$18, and I can get a physical CD for a few bucks more; I know half the base cost in Magnatune goes straight to the artist.

    Rather buy some schwag.

    That's pretty damn hideous.

    So is iTunes.

    You can customise the layout, right?

    About as much as changing which filter boxes exist at the top, or changing the playlist to an active visualization.

    Is the search function good? (ie can it handle 30,000+ files reasonably well?)

    Yeah see it's got 60k songs in that list... it searches just fine. Takes me less than a second to find a 3-character search term (longer search terms are faster to look up because of how string search algorithms work).

    My main library is similar, instant look-ups.

  11. I'm planning to see Avenue Q one of these days. It's going to cost me probably $200 in gas to get to new york, and $70 for a ticket ($120 for the first 5 rows!), and parents will bitch like hell because they think a large group is safer (dad specifically says they have gangs with guns up there... how is a large group safer? I can't protect everyone!)

    Once in a while you need to just get up and do it. I think we call that MAGFest and Otakon.

  12. Also bluefox, that wasn't to flame you...entirely...just to get you to wake up to the bigger picture, and make less crapfest type posts. Also, listen to Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughn, BB King, Albert King, Muddy Waters (YES, THAT IS THE NAME OF ONE OF THE GREAT BLUES PLAYERS OF ALL TIME), and others. You need to broaden your musical horizons, also, move out of your parents house...

    Working on both. And I <3 blues, the sound of a smooth overdriving 6V6 is awesome. (I'll take a $6 tube over a $1000 pedal any day)

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