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The wingless

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Posts posted by The wingless

  1. A few people at work play this religiously. So I had one give me their 21-day free trial and have been at it for four days going on five.

    I still berate them for playing such a fucking stupid, prosaic, and laughably entertainment-less game.

    Having said that, please, can I hear your best Eve stories. The things that can *only* happen in EVE?

  2. posting this again, because the thread is moving too damn fast!!


    So the hospital where Michael died at was literally a few blocks away from my work. So I took a minute to go down there and take some pictures of what is, ostensibly, one of the more pivotal moments in entertainment.




    It wasn't quite as heavily populated as I would've thought. The hospital is right in the middle of UCLA, and even though only summer school is in, I would've though many more people would've been about. Instead, there was a seemingly endless stream of news vans down the street (a street that feels like it hits then dips below the horizon). on the small little steps of the hospital there were hundreds of people with their cameras. Not quite taking pictures insomuch as waiting. It was an atmosphere of extreme intent. Nothing quite a surreal as you would've expected for such an event. But strange, nonetheless.

  3. So the hospital where Michael died at was literally a few blocks away from my work. So I took a minute to go down there and take some pictures of what is, ostensibly, one of the more pivotal moments in entertainment.




    It wasn't quite as heavily populated as I would've thought. The hospital is right in the middle of UCLA, and even though only summer school is in, I would've though many more people would've been about. Instead, there was a seemingly endless stream of news vans down the street (a street that feels like it hits then dips below the horizon). on the small little steps of the hospital there were hundreds of people with their cameras. Not quite taking pictures insomuch as waiting. It was an atmosphere of extreme intent. Nothing quite a surreal as you would've expected for such an event. But strange, nonetheless.

  4. The only things I didn't like

    -Nero is an intensely forgettable antagonist

    -There are some rather glaring plotholes, plot omissions, and flat-out parts of the story that are utterly forgotten over time

    -The most nonsensical UI design I have ever seen... but that's more a matter of professional pride

    Other than that, the hardcore trekkie in me was thoroughly satisfied...

    Although the timeline is going to splinter Trekkies into a full on Civil War. Believe that.

  5. Hello all!

    I'm working on a little flash shmup (oh and sidenote: that ad you see on OCR this month is another one of my games. Feel free to click and buy) and I'm doing what a lot of the big-boys in the Industry do: collect lots of data and redesign accordingly.

    So I have a working build and an online survey ready. For those of you who are interested, I'd love it if you played around with the build for a bit, then answer the very brief survey. It would help me immensely, and plus, you get to be part of the Game's Industry... tacitly!


    Here is the working build (give it a few seconds)


    And here is the online survey.



    Oh, and for those of you interested, here are some screens and mockups!









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