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Posts posted by SovietChicken

  1. I'm not going to beat around the bush here. Not only is Godspeed my favorite Remix on the site, but it just might very well be my favorite overall song.

    Even thought its been mentioned more than anything else, the intro is awesome. Beyond awesome. Those who've played the original SNES Star Fox will remember the opening "Scramble" scene at once.

    And then at 1:15, it'll sound like you just shot out of the Corneria base, and then... wow. You blast out of the base, then the music kicks up for a while until it changes tunes at 2:26.

    This change makes Godspeed sound like two songs in one (and it is) and that is another reason why I love it. Why go for just one tune from the game when you can have two?

    Wingless, thank you for creating this incredible song. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  2. Let's get something straight: This is a great remix. Not my favorite Remix from either of the two, but still very good.

    It's Zelda all right, but it's also very different. But in an excellent form of different. LOVE the piano part. Vocals are good, along with every thing in the song and the only problem I really have with this Remix is that its too long to repeat so a lot of the same things over and over.

    Yeah, I know, I'm kinda general, but I'm also not a musician. I'm just a listener.

    And how can I get a cool picture to appear next to my name, too?

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