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Posts posted by ChocoHearts

  1. What I'm curious to know now is whether any of StarCraft Ghost has been grafted into this game. Like, is Nova's story part of the Terran Campaign? I would actually be sort of surprised if they didn't have her in here somewhere, because StarCraft Ghost spent a LONG time in development before they cancelled it, and I doubt they just scrapped everything.

    Eh, they didn't scrap it ALL, 'cause there was a trilogy of books based around Nova. Which I never got around to picking up, surprisingly. :( I'll have to find those now. XD

    AND: My two cents is still "lay off the heroes, pl0x".

  2. [opinion]

    If I had the option to tell Blizzard exactly what to make, and trust them to do it right, I'd want a StarCraft 2 worthy of the name. By worthy, I mean:

    1) Heroes are NOT the center of the game - WC3 was essentially a party-based RPG with summoned monsters. Which I didn't appreciate.

    2) Gameplay mechanics that revolutionize the genre - even if you didn't like SC, it WAS pretty much the first RTS with unique sides (contrast Age of Empires, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, SW: Empire at War, and WarCraft 2). Mix it up, take a chance, make the leap!

    3) NOT MMO. Thanks, but if Blizzard's making it, you can be sure they're gonna charge for it, and I'd rather have $15 worth of Dr Pepper than a month's worth of playing a game I already bought. Give us (free) online options, sure, but don't FORCE us to play online.

    Of course, as my pseudo-HTML shows, this is all my opinion. ;)


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