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Found 3 results

  1. Hey guys. As you can see, this is my first post here as I just created the account, but I've been with OCRemix for quite some time. Though I didn't have the use for my account here, after what happened recently I decided to create my account and create a post about it... As some of you may know bLiNd and his great works in music industry, whether in game remixes or his sole tracks that he's created - he's a musician to the bone and by heart! Every track of his is special. In fact, he was the one that invited me into game remixes. And recently I have found that he went through a lifebreaking incident - his whole home has been damaged in fire that broke out and he lost not only his place to live, but also pets and his way of living - musical equipment... So I decided to create a post in the forum, as for some of you guys you may have know him, if you can or know someone that can as well back him up - please do so. We can't let Jordan's faith go away! This is the link to the fundraiser that Jordan started - https://www.gofundme.com/aguirre-fire-fund If you feel that his post is somewhat inappropriate, please do as you see fit with it. I have absolutely no interest or any gains in this, other than Jordan's well-being and getting him back on his feet. I thought about this forum as a first thing I could go on, because this is the place I first met Jordan on and thought of you guys... I will thank backers in my stead, as Jordan is not aware of this post - so each and every backer has my own personal - thank you! Though it may not mean much, I really appreciate everyone's help!
  2. Hello. So, life is interesting these days. I am making leaps and strides in my social life and mental health, but now my finances are pretty much falling apart. I'm both optimistic and stressed. I'm at the point where I need help. I hate asking for financial help, as it makes me feel a little less like a fully grown adult. But part of being an adult is learning when to suck up my pride and do what needs to be done. Here's what I've done. Feels really weird, but I created a GoFundMe campaign to help me out of this jam. If you can help, that's so appreciated. If not, then no worries and thank you for reading this. Perhaps you could share the link instead? Speaking of the link, here it is: https://www.gofundme.com/f6jd7pbg Thank you. (Under no circumstances should you feel any obligation to donate. Please don't put yourself into a financial bind in order to help me out of mine. I'd certainly appreciate your gift, but I'd feel a bit guilty.)
  3. Welp, I did it. I made a Patreon. If you want to help me make more EDM with my eclectic spin, you can support me here and get early/exclusive access to tunes and other perks. http://www.patreon.com/kingtiger
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