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Singer Needed


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Ok so I'm working on a concept album which is about the Chernobyl disaster. I can sing but I'm not able to put any emotion in my voice. Now the album ranges from genres such as industrial to experimental and progressive rock to plain old rock to electronica and various other genres so I obviously need someone who has a very good expressive range who can hit keys and timing with 98% accuracy if not 100% and a decent microphone. I plan to sell the album and think it will do well if marketed properly based on various reactions so I will pay royalties to the singer of course.

If that's not enough then I'll even pay a starting fee based on the number of words sang if I like the way you sound once I have the money available to me but I'd rather try to avoid that approach. In total, I'll need thirteen or fourteen songs sang which range from 3-5 minutes on average.

Here's my myspace page that has a couple of songs on it, Cockroaches 1 is finished already but The Day After is one of the songs that will need singing so drop me a line here or at corlenbelspar@hotmail.com and we'll work something out. I'll most likely just have you send an MP3 of your singing by itself without the music and I can place it in myself so I can add effects in places I need them to be.


I have some other songs finished or close to being finished but they're not up there since there's no singing finished for them yet.

Here's the music video to The Day After.


With musical arrangement so awesome, your ears will ejaculate blood!

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