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Yet another Schala's theme/Chrono Trigger, but done differently

Tubercular Ox

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I have not touched music in 10 years and never knew the terminology in the first place, so I'm describing some things poorly...

I haven't listened to all of them yet but the existing remixes of Schala's Theme tend in the same direction. They relax the overall song and make it ambient. Anyways, my love for Schala's theme has always been the bells track. The tempo is pretty sedate but there's a definite double bounce on the bells that gives it added energy and makes it seem faster. I used to play bells and you'd think that double bounce would be just like a drum roll but it's not, and it seems a shame that so many remixes just abstract it away into some other instrument where the effect doesn't or can't exist. Can anyone make a remix that highlights the bells, maybe playing up the tension between their hidden energy and the calm of the strings/winds/whatever you call them when they're that digital?

I'll start listening to the other remixes, maybe it's in there.

Thanks for reading, I'd love a remix, but it's enough to know that people are listening to my opinion.

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