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World of Warcraft - Brewfest 2008


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This is not so much a remix request, as much as a raw song request. The only way I can get access to the music is to use macros in-game. This is somewhat inconvenient. Also, the music has loud pub noises in the background, which are somewhat annoying.

I'm trying to arrange this song for my orchestra (Gamer Symphony Orchestra). If anyone knows how to obtain, or could supply me with a sound file of the song, preferably without the background noises, I'd greatly appreciate it!


Christopher Davis

Webmaster, Tubist, and Arranger

Gamer Symphony Orchestra

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There's a tool, called WinMPQ I think, that lets you open Blizzard's MPQ files and extract individual data files. An MPQ is basically like a zip file, only it's a custom format and thus needs a custom tool to open it.

Getting at the Brewfest track is a matter of downloading WinMPQ, opening the right file in your WoW folder (I can't remember offhand and don't play the game anymore, so I don't have the media, but I think it's called assets.mpq or sound.mpq or something sensible like that), and extracting the track(s) that you want.

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