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Request for an original NES/SNES-like theme


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I'm from the staff of The Backloggery (www.backloggery.com), which is a site that I know has found its way into the OCR forums. If you've never visited The Backloggery, it's a site that allows you to keep a record of your gaming accomplishments and track your progress, as a means of motivation for finishing games that have fell onto the back burner (or never been opened) for whatever reason.

We've been kicking around the idea of having a "main theme" of sorts for a few months now. This could have a number of applications, especially on our bi-weekly video streams on justin.tv.

Here's some thoughts that might give you some ideas. To us, The Backloggery is about never giving up and reaching the ultimate goal, no matter how many tries it takes, and no matter how difficult it may be. This is especially true of the most notorious of old-school games, and it's games like those that we often feature on the live streams, to show the process of someone learning their way through a brutal game for the first time. I don't want to mention the tracks we've thought of to constrain your creative process, but think about the most memorable level from an action platformer on NES or SNES, and that's more or less what we would like to hear. It could be argued that the music itself is often the reason that any particular level becomes famous or infamous. The actual instrument samples used could be based on those systems' capabilities, or they could not... as long as the composition itself sounds just like it came from a game of that era.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any compensation other than our gratitude. We will give you credit on the site, but would like to be able to use the theme in any way we wish.

If you might be interested in helping us out with this, please let me know.

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