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Fire Emblem (GBA)


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It saddens me to find out that there is little attention paid to the Fire Emblem games, both old and new. Granted, the new ones that came out for the Gamecube and Wii do not need remixes at all, the orchestrated songs are simply magnificent. The first GBA games to be released outside of Japan, though, are left alone...

If there are people out there who wish to remix some songs, here are a few particular requests (all of the tracks can be found here http://www.fireemblemempire.com/games/blazingsword/music ). What I'd really love to hear is some kind of orchestral arrangement, but anything else than techno, really, is welcome. :o

If you are inspired to remix any other track, by all means, go ahead!

Track 31 - Everything into the Dark

Track 58 - Black Fang

Track 30 - Softly with Grace (a sped-up version of Black Fang; perhaps part of a transition in a remix?)

Track 78 - Reminiscence

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