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Fruity loops keyboard Shortcuts & Quick Tips

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Hello you guys,

I came across some useful information I thought you guys may want to know, which helps you save time when using fruity loops, it helped me alot so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Fruity loops keyboard Shortcuts

File Operations


Ctrl+O Open File

Ctrl+S Save File

Ctrl+shift+S Save As...

Ctrl+R Export Wave File

Ctrl+shift+R Export MP3 File

Ctrl+M Export MIDI File

Alt+1...8 Open recent file 1...8

Record/Playback Control


Space Start & stop playback

L Switch between pattern and song mode

R Switch on/off recording

0 (numpad) Fast forward

/ (numpad) Previous bar (song mode only)

* (numpad) Next bar (song mode only)

Ctrl+H Stop sound (Sound Panic)

Ctrl+T Toggle Typing keyboard to piano keyboard

Ctrl+B Toggle Blend Notes

Ctrl+Shift+M Toggle Metronome

Ctrl+I Toggle Wait for input to start playing

Pattern Selection


1..9 (numpad) Select patterns 1-9

+ (numpad) Next pattern

- (numpad) Previous pattern

Right Arrow Next pattern

Left Arrow Previous pattern

F4 Next Empty pattern

Window Navigation


Tab Cycles windows within program

Enter Shows/hides/maximises/minimises playlist

Esc Closes a window

F5 Shows/hides playlist

F6 Shows/hides Step Sequencer

F7 Shows/hides Piano Roll

F8 Shows/hides Sample Browser

F9 Shows/hides FX

F10 Shows/hides MIDI Settings window

F11 Shows/hides Song Info window

F12 Close all windows

Ctrl+shift+H Arrange windows

Step Sequencer


F6 Shows/hides step sequencer

1...0 Mutes/Unmutes first ten channels

Ctrl+1...0 Solos/Unsolos first ten channels

Up Arrow Select Previous channel

Down Arrow Select Next channel

Ctrl+del Delete selected channel

Alt+G Group selected channels

Alt+Z Zip/Collapse selected channels

(useful for layers)

Alt+U Unzip selected channers

Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected channel up

Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected channel down

Page Up Next Channel Filter Group

Page Down Previous Channel Filter Group

Ctrl+x Cut channel note data

Ctrl+c Copy channel note data

Ctrl+v Paste channel note data

Ctrl+shift+C Clone channel

Ctrl+W Copy whole pattern

Shift+Left Shift notes backward one step (for selected channel(s)).

Shift+Right Shift notes forward one step (for selected channel(s)).

Alt+R Randomize

Alt+H Humanize

Alt+P Send to Piano Roll

K Show Keyboard Editor

G Graph Editor

Play List


F5 Shows/hides Play List

Ins Insert Bar

Del Delete Bar

Ctrl+Ins Insert Pattern (before selected pattern)

Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Pattern

Ctrl+shift+C Clone Selected Pattern (unreliable).

Alt+Up Arrow Move selected pattern up

Alt+Down Arrow Move selected pattern down

Backspace Center playback grid around song position

- Right click on black "Pattern XX" areas to set pattern names.

- Double click in area betwee pattern 1 and the bar numbers

to set the song to loop on one bar.

- Combinations of patterns can be cut/copied/pasted by

setting the song to loop on one bar and using cut/copy/paste


- Right clicking between pattern 1 and the bar numbers sets

the repeat point (the point where playback returns to when

the last bar in the song has been played).

Channel Settings


Enter Plays sample (same as left clicking on sample display)

- Right click on title bar to set channel name.

- Double click on the FX send digit to view/edit FX in that FX channel.

- Right click on Stretch digits to quick set a coarse value.

- Left click on grey area above keyboard to set limits on hi/lo playback


- Right click on grey area above keyboard to set the key that plays the

sample at its original pitch.

- Remember you can automate the type of chords played by the arpegiator

(this is tricky; bit of a blind/trial-and-error process)

Misc Tricks


- Right click on tempo for quick tempo selection or tempo options

- Right click on empty panel space to turn individual panels on/off

- Tiny switch next to CPU/Output Monitor turns it on/off.

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