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Legend of Legia OC Remix request.


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Hey guy's.. I am new to the site, and always been a fan of OC remixes. My friend just told me about this site, and I never knew.. I'm glad I found it.

But as for the request..

Legend of Legia.. I think IMO one of the best RPG's i've played when i was young. (I feel old lol)

I don't know if i'm allowed to post links for Youtube, but I will list the names of the songs.

I could only imagine what can be done with these titles.

Legend of Legia - Boss Battle

Legend of Legia - Disciples of the Mist

Legend of Legia - My name is Songi

Legend of Legia - Night Requiem

I did a search and couldn't find any songs OC remixed for Legend of Legia, so if someone takes their time to do this.. I'm pretty sure many would be happy including myself lol..

Also.. This aint from Legend of Legia, but...

X-Men Vs Street Fighter

Rouge's Theme.

That song is great... I could only imagine what that song, could be like if remixed..

Sorry if i'm requesting so much, but yea.. I found the site and i'm just thinking of all these songs! lol

Thanks to whoever considers doing this =)

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