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Castlevania for N64 Title theme...More


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Greetings. I am editing this so as to comply better with the request guidelines.

I am asking For a hopeful remix of the Main title theme to Castlevania for Nintendo 64.

The songs I am looking to hopefully have someone remix would be as follows:

The main title theme as mentioned in the title of this request thread.

The music from the Villa. (the normal music mind you as you explore the castle, not the music from when you run into the woman in the rose garden.)

The Tower of Sorcery, as I always felt it should have always had a remix done of it.

And any others you feel you may have time for.

I don't really mind any style at all for either of the first two, but I would like a Techno Remix of The Tower of Sorcery, if possible.

Thank you for your time and please message me if you have any updates as to this request.

To all you Remixers out there, thank you for your time, and your effort to all your work you do both on your own personal projects and this one.

Sincerely, mechawolf

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