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It's been one full year (from yesterday) since I published my first theme. To view my work in chronological order click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3229AF79FE8D0FFC ] to view it in VIDEO LOG FORM (and in reverse chronological order) click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/profile_video_blog?user=Numberoneblind ]

FEEDBACK WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!! but please judge on a compositional basis. My virtual instruments are pretty much crap so i'd like feedback solely on my songwriting. Thankyou :)

***Also*** i'd like to note that if you are watching my videos from the first link there are higher quality versions of those same songs further down the line.

Thanx for watching!!!

EDIT: Please IGNORE the VIDEO LOG link. Apparently there's no way to activate the feature for youtube channels using the new layout. Thanx!!!

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