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Hey all,

im new here and my english are not so good ! Sorry for that :oops:,

my question :

1.Whats the name of this music

2. Can anyone remake it

3. Where can i get it

Here The Link:



I recognised this one. ;)

To answer your questions:

1 - This is 'Hageshii Omoi' from the Rozen Maiden soundtrack:

2 - I'm guessing you mean you want it transcribed? There's a piano transcription available here:


This the website it came from which also has MIDI and a couple of other piano arrangments of it:


If you meant 'remake' as in remix or re-arrangement, a quick search on Youtube turned up this piano version (possibly based on the above):

3 - You can get the sheet music from the links above. To get the actual soundtrack you can buy it online at stores like Play-Asia:


(It's Track 11)

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