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Final Fantasy 6 - Shadow's Theme

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This is my first stab at 'remixing', though this may be more like a cover. I recorded by ear and it doesn't quite sync up with the original, but it's close enough to tell what it's modeled after.

I'm guessing it's pretty far from what it can be polished, and I'm looking forward to some critiques that might help me make it better.


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Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kENEx5bwLow Cause people might not know it.

Not so much a remix as a cover, like you said. If you're looking to get this up to OCR standards, it's going to need a lot in the way of interpretation and writing to make it something new. The instrument choice isn't far off from the original either, which isn't helping the case.

This is one of those early WIPs that there's just not much to talk about, because there isn't much done from just importing a midi into a DAW and changing some instrumentation. Play with the parts you like from the original that inspire you, listen to mixes that you like and emulate what they do. Play with it and improve on it. :wink:

Production is very very quiet. Nothing pops out at me through the track. The entire mix could do with some volume and other changes to highlight and bring out some main ideas.

The sort of slow, meandering drum thing you have going in this is just not working for me. It's almost painfully slow. Throughout the entire mix, the energy for a drum 'break' like this just isn't there. Though that leaves room for improvement and expansion in that area for sure: If you like that driving metal THUD THUD THUD on quarters sound, play with it and speed it up, or play with it some other way to incorporate that style in a faster tempo where it sounds like it works. I could really see the slow pace of this leading up to a faster tempo that could work with that.

hope that helps

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