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At first I had started on this as a license track or whatever you want to call it but now I've decided that I want to make an album of breakbeat tracks with this being one of them. It's a wip though so it can go anywhere at anytime but for the most part it'll sound like this just way more refined since it's part of an album project.

Try playing this to some action sequence whether it's fighting, or a car chase scene, or gun fight, whatever I think it fits nicely lol anyways hope this is enough to spark some interest...


  • 2 weeks later...

This does seem badass, and I get what you're saying (I'm picturing the Matrix shoot-em-up scene right after Neo passes his bag through the metal detector, and switching to a Jason Statham car chase). I'm not going to be the one who points out what's wrong in here (if anything), so I'll just point out what I like.

For one, I really love the instruments you used (the guitar, drums, bass, and those erratic synth notes (around 1:16 - I don't know if that's where they start, that's just a good point of reference). Did you used downloaded soundfonts, or were they preloaded with your software (or did you go legit and actually record some/all)? If they were downloaded... Where'd you get em from?

If I do run into the time, I'll get a video clip of an action scene and put this to it (like so many other videos on YouTube [example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYHYx7YNC-w]). But overall, I really liked that track, and I look forward to hearing the rest of your project if you go through with it.


Thanks dude! This is all sequenced unfortunately, I wish I could do some of this stuff for real haha. The guitar is a combination of real strat guitar by musiclab and guitar rig 4. The drums are from When Alien Robots Attack sample pack which can be bought at loopmasters, a lot of those sound effects are from that library as well. Lol I look forward to a montage if you have time to make one xD, and thanks again man.


I'm not a huge fan of this genre but I'm liking this song, particularly the break at 1:10ish, it sounds sort of Jet Set Radio-ish. You could think about using more vocal sample breaks like that or something along those lines? Maybe you could introduce a string line or a synth kind of melody over the top of the riff as a way of elongating the track.

You could also consider having a side-chain'ed section or side-chaining the whole thing to give a more intense dancey feel. If you don't know what I mean by that I'd happily explain as I only recently found out what it was.

Perhaps you could also have a guitar solo? I don't know if you'd want to do that with a sequencer, probably not?

That's all I can think of.

Keep it up!



I really appreciate the feedback Calum, now to address some of the issues:

I may put some more vocals in there, what the guy says is, "Seems to be accelerating with each hour" and I used it because well it helped to move the track foward because right after that, the ride comes in to make the beat more intense. Either way I'll try to throw some more vocals in there I think I can figure somethin out xD

I do have a synth line prepped for the song, but that doesn't come in till later, maybe I'll experiment and see what type of sound I get if I add it to the earlier parts

There probably won't be any sidechaining in this track at all. It's not really meant to be dancy, well as far as club dancin goes lol. I can see a breakdancer dancin to this which usually doesn't consist of sidechained elements.

Like I once said, thank you for the feedback, greatly appreciate it. Any other takers?

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