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Hallfife 2 and Halflife Opposing Force remix


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This one is pretty much done. There's not much I can do with it because I somehow managed to cap out my memory so my computer can't even export new versions anymore (guess I should have been more efficient).

Here is the mix: http://tindeck.com/listen/ypzf

And here are the source tunes:

"Alien Forces" from Opposing Force.

"Triage at Dawn" from HL2


"Particle Ghost" from HL2


"Nova Prospekt" from HL2


My main concern is that with all these different source songs, I made it sound too much like a medley. I tried to avoid this by playing them all in the same key and making them flow together reasonably well.

If anyone has any real problems with it, I could probably make some changes by freezing some mixer tracks or something, so fire away your opinions!

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