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I thought for fun I'd write a battle music for a story I'm currently working on. It was intended to be final boss-esque but I feel I've failed miserably at that, in any case I'd like to assess the current composition for what it's worth. I'm still new to writing music in general so I kinda need feedback.

General things:

-this song doesn't have an intro I wasn't satisfied with the original so I'm going to rewrite it later. The ending is not really an ending, I'm trying to find a way to make it loop so it kinda ends abruptly. I have to address that later. Also when the choir plays the arpeggiated notes, I was trying to have a "ha-ha" effect, I don't know how to give the vst more air so I'm going probably revise that track and simply hold those chords.

-I know I have timing issues, some of it is midi lag, but some of it was my timing when I manually input some of the notes in, it's something I'm working on.

-I'm still new to mixing, I'm not sure how to bring out the best of these vsts, or able to determine which tracks' volume should be raised or lowered

-I need percussion, I don't really know how to write drumlines though so I'll probably do that soon.

-I primarily wrote the bassline of the song beforehand, so the transitions might not sound that great I'm not sure. There was a part of the song that became more uplifting, the last transition, it wasn't intentional but battle themes tend to have such a combination of fear and hope, ect... anyway are these transitions terrible, do they need work?

-do these combination of instruments work? In terms of composition does this piece of music sound decent (despite issues in timing >_<)?

I think that's all... for now:


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