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So here we are again, it seemed people dug our little game last time... So here you are, the 2nd edition!

This time, I recorded a cover of "Found" by my favorite band, Span (RIP). If you've never heard of them, they're definitely worth checking out. Here are the files:



Again I must apologize for my shitty drumming, some tempo correction, again, was needed, but I didn't bother with it too much. The drums were recorded in a similar fashion from last time, the same mics were used for the same purposes with slight differences in position. The Overheads are more like "sideheads" this time, they were placed 2'-3' farther than last time to avoid "cymbal tremolo". The snare was mic'd somewhere in between the top and shell, and the kick drum was played with a felt beater and the mic was not angled.

I decided against including DI's for the guitars this time. The SM57 was placed off-axis and the AKG was placed further away as a room mic (you can even hear the strings being strummed). So to "replace" the DI's, I decided to try out a little trick I've heard of, I recorded an overdub for every guitar part using a small battery amp with 57, it seemed fitting for the song.

Bass and vocals were recorded direct and with the AKG, respectively.

The Rules:

If you are going to post a mix of your own, you must critique on the mix before your post. Making a little write up of how you did your mix is also cool, but optional.

Happy Mixing!

My mix:


I went ahead and replaced every drum with Trigger EX, I blended the snare and kick with the samples, and cropped 3 copies of the OH track so I could replace the toms. All drum tracks were then treated with EQs (except the tom tracks) and the OH used some parallel compression for more meat. In addition to that, the snare and kick peaks were tamed with a compressor.

The guitars were basically left alone, just blended the sound of each mic to taste. Every lead guitar used some reverb and slapback delay. Bass was pretty heavily processed, I used the Waves GTR bass amp sim and the CLA Artist Bass plugin and used the kick to feed the sidechain in its compressor. everything below 300Hz or so was nuked and boosted a bit at 3Khz for the vocal bus and some reverb was added, some vocal tracks used a bit of delay and saturation as well.

And finally, the mix was processed with a multiband compressor for the mid range, a small cut at about 500Hz and a limiter.

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