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[Help] Searching for a long lost Final Fantasy IV Battle 2 mixmix

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Hello all,

I didn't see a place to look for old remixes, so I'll ask here. Back in the early days of peer to peer I came across a very unique mix of the FFIV Decisive (boss) Battle theme. I wish I could describe it better, but I am going off a nearly decade old memory of it. I know it started off a little odd and had a slightly faster beat than the OST version. On a nearly bi annual basis I get a sserious itch to find it again. I have scoured YouTube and just about every mix site with no luck at all. I really don't know if thats enough to go on, but I really want to here this at least one more time.



Check this link out. See if any of the ones posted there are what you're looking for.
Oh yes, I checked those out before I even registered for the forums. I was on a serious spree trying to find it over the past week before I turned to you all for help. I don't think there's a single FFIV (and a ton on other)Battle mix on youtube that I didn't listen to over the past several days. Though that's always a pleasurable experience, I didn't find what I was looking for. :cry:

I'm desperately scraping my memory trying to find any other details I can provide that could isolate the song, but the main part that comes to mind is just that the first few seconds of the song are kind of strange. Other than that, I know it was real short. Somewhere in the 90 to 120 second range. I want to say like a 1:37. I'll post/edit if there's any more detail I can provide.

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