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X-Band Video Game Modem BGM for the Super Nintendo


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Hello all,

A company called Catapult released officially licensed video game modems for both the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo in the mid 90s. I played the SNES version from 1996 - 1997. You could play games against people all over the country, check top 10 lists, read email, etc... You can see the influence it had when you use Xbox Live today.

Anyway, one of my favorite things about Xband was the background music. I was on the service for hours on end, and this music never got tiring. There were four tracks, and I believe that they hold promise for remixing. Maybe even all together in the same track some how. No worries if not, but I figured that it couldn't hurt to ask.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxsvjT7JiEM - SNES Xband BGM 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRBJzi-65ik - SNES Xband BGM 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LXvDeeBAv8 - SNES Xband BGM 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9y6j-D7108 - SNES Xband BGM 4

Thanks for taking the time to look through this thread.

- Mike

Edit: I figured I would add a picture of said modems in case someone had never seen them before:


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