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Howdy, all!

I'm currently trying to work on a chiptune suite, with the central theme being our humble set of local planets. I haven't exactly made it far through the list, but I'd like to at least get some opinions, suggestions and criticisms before I keep plunging forward. Specifically, it'd be helpful to know:

  • Thoughts on the sample sets: irritating? Not broad enough? Needs more bass? More mids? I have two in use so far, but I'm planning on writing at least one on emulated NES chip, and I'm hoping to play around with another chip as well; perhaps the Genesis, if I start learning about FM synthesis.
  • Mastering: does everything sound at least fairly balanced? Highs too piercing?
  • Structure: Does the pacing feel too rushed? This is a bit tricky right now, given I only have two songs I've considered 'completed', but getting feedback on those would be helpful.

And here is the current tracklist (as of August 2011):

Mercurial Commodore (Complete, unpolished)

This uses a sample set somewhat akin to the Commodore 64. I've toyed around with this several times; the original was far too straightforward, and was basically the same line repeated twice. I've attempted to fix that by culling out multiple parts in the first half. I don't know where the swing-beat came from, though. :P

Venusian Wrath (Complete, unpolished)

This is the same sample set as used in Mercurial Commodore, but is more fast-paced and action-oriented. It's also been the more mutable of the two; I keep tweaking this one in odd ways, trying to make everything blend better, or lengthening it slightly.

Terrestrial Bondage (Incomplete)

This one diverges from the C64 sample set, instead using only lo-fi samples to create more of a late tracker-era chiptune. I've gotten only as far as heard here, and am currently completely stuck past that point. I've got a line in my head, buuut I'm having a rough time when it comes to transcribing it. Ahh, cruel muse. :(

Martian Mischief (Incomplete)

Back to the C64 samples; I really need to use these less. Anyway, this one came about more by fiddling around than anything; I was trying to aim for a song with only swung rhythm, but here, too, it feels like it's rambling, without any sense of direction. May scrap and start anew, may not. Sound like it could go somewhere?

That's what I've got so far. Your critique's much appreciated, if you have any to spare!

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