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CLAVED - CINEMATIC TENSION - Released (a day early)! $20 / 5MB download

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Hello all,

It's official, CLAVED is released! Head on over to the Cinematic Tension page to purchase it


There's also a short teaser video for the library we're releasing after BOTTLENECK simply called... THE DOOR. CREEEEEEPY STUFF so far, so be sure to check that out.


What is CLAVED ™?

If your next scoring assignment takes your music into a jungle to rescue POWs, slaughter aliens, make a difficult shot from a mile away, or track down terrorists... you need CLAVED in your arsenal of samples. For this sample set, I found the heaviest, loudest, and nicest set of Claves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claves ) I could find, sampled them, and as usual... mangled them to make this simple rhythm instrument a fully realized playable tension suite. Everything is represented here from a basic clave patch with three different recordings mapped to three keys (each with up to 4 velocity layers) in a room setting, to a fully playable and tuned ethnic sounding patch, to a "stealth" patch with extreme low end attitude for a grand total of 10 kontakt instruments. Some patches utilize a tempo synced delay and arpeggiator for added tension building goodness.

CLAVED ™ Features:

- 3 to 5 Velocity Layers for most samples (be sure to try different velocities!)

- Controllable reverb. A reverb On / Off button is right on the GUI (starts in the ON position)

- 10 Kontakt isntruments

- Varying degrees of added reverb pre-added for added epicness (room, stage, hall, and cave)

- Built in kontakt arpeggiator and delay sequencer, both tempo sync to your host sequencer

- Mod wheel controls the attack to get even more dynamic control

Enjoy, and thanks for your support!


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