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Classic Remix Request; Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep


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For those who don't want to read the ramblings and story-like-ness that I offer, you may just skip to the end for the point.


Way back in 1995 there was a game. A favorite in my youth, one that I poured many hours into, and one that I could never beat, the game was called "Dungeon Master II: The legend of Skullkeep." Recently, however, the game has become abandonware, so I quickly snatched both it and an emulator that would play it, and oh ho ho man, the nostalgia hit hard. It was like I was 8 again, probably after watching the movie "The Wizard," and all hyped up on sugar, I'd sit down in front of the computer and play this game... So I loaded up the game, chose my favorite team of four characters, and went at it...

And then I beat it... In approximately twelve hours no less...

The game wasn't NEARLY as hard as I remembered, and the gameplay was actually kinda horrid... With poorly laid out interface problems. Things like the game not pausing when you open your inventory, the fact that you couldn't move while IN the inventory, and the inventory taking up the entire screen, and small buttons that had to be pressed, it was kinda stupid. Fun, mind, but stupid none-the-less.

The replay value wasn't that great, played again, but decided to challenge myself by playing as only one character... beat the game in about eight hours... I think this is the ONLY game where playing as one character is easier, and mostly quicker, then choosing the full team of four.

The graphics were pretty good for being an old game, but with the game "Diablo" coming out only a year after this one, they weren't really that great.

And there are a lot of other issues that kind of scream "How was this a good GAME!" But honestly, it was... But really should only be played for nostalgia reasons, or if you want to play an old game that was hit a very "Niche" crowd.

But let's face it, this isn't the place to write a game review, so let's get down to the music!

The Music for the game was amazing, it wasn't anything special, and was limited to its technology, but even so, every track was placed and played RIGHT: the big ol' lumbering music for the big ol' lumbering monsters, the creepy cemetery/haunted forest music for the creepy cemetery/haunted forest, you get the idea. But one of these songs REALLY stands out from the rest.

Now, since most of the music didn't actually have names, I can't really give an actual name for the song. Some call it

which could very well be the name of the song... Others call it
which makes sense, since it's basically the first tune you hear... But the MIDI Rip I got calls the song "GRAPHICS_0041," which, I can only assume, is because the music is entwined with the graphics of the game, or something, I honestly don't know.

Whatever it may be,

is the song I want remixed, remastered, or both. It's one of the songs that, when I loaded up the game again, it stopped me dead, just so that I could listen to it again, and remember all the time spent playing the game while young.

If possible, I'd like to hear it something sad, something lonely, as if someone is stuck in the rain, reflecting back on something they lost... A family member? A loved one? A misspent youth? Who knows, now it's just a fading memory being washed away in the rain.

Could someone do that?Take this simple tune from this classic game, and remix it to something emotional? I would be very grateful.


For those too lazy to read the rambling, this is the jist.

Game: Dungeon Master II:Legend of Skullkeep

Song: This one.

Genre: Something like what someone would want to hear when reflecting on something sad and emotional.

Other Tid-Bits: For an even lower quality of the song,

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