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Well since you asked...

All that crackling you have throughout the track? That's called clipping, and to quote Sonic, that's NO GOOD. If you're using FL Studio, open up Fruity Limiter and lower the ceiling to 0dB so you don't go over (going over makes the clipping happen).

The intro sounds weird because you have just your mallet/keyboard instrument playing and nothing else, so the half step notes you have sound clashing, not to mention the reverb exaggerates the effect.

Your choice of instruments is decent, but the parts for them are do not compliment them at all. You have the slow-attacking strings playing the melody, and the mallet/keyboard drowns them out because they don't reach the height of their attack in time before moving on with the melody. Some of the effects like the delay at 1:14 don't really add anything of value; it just clutters the sound more so you can't hear the strings.

The biggest issue I have is the arrangement. It is super-conservative, to the point where you just swapped different parts of the piece around to attempt to give it a new 'feel' (e.g. the fast arpeggio-like B section with the section A melody at the beginning, leading to other combinations later on). There is really no focus or overall structure; the melody at some times is suppose to have prominence but then the next passage the backing part has priority for some reason with the melody nowhere to be found. Then at 1:48 we have some new material, but it's over the same bass and drums we've had the entire mix, and at one point the melody on the strings pops up in the background that doesn't really add anything to compliment the new line.

So, fix the clipping, perhaps get some new instruments but definitely fix the ones you have, and work on having some type of arrangement rather than the cut-and-paste effort you have now. Nostaglia may not be the best inspiration to draw on, so attempt to find out what it is about the song that you enjoy. The main melody? The fast arpeggio section? Figure out and then work something out from there.

Also, it was less than a day since you posted the thread; there are some mixes down at the bottom of the page that have no replies in their threads, so try not to be too hasty and bump the thread unnecessarily.

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