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SID Sounds Volume 1 is now available for Kontakt!

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About a month ago, I released a set of SID samples for Propellerheads Reason. Now that I own the full version of Kontakt, I decided that it would be a good idea to release those samples in that format. This small library will basically give you the three raw wave forms of the SID plus noise. There are drum sounds in there as well for a total of 5 Kontakt patches and it's on sale for the low price of $10.

I'm releasing this first volume as way to get my feet wet in the world of sample packs and sound design. I have a lot to learn and am grateful to those who have already given me their advise (Zircon for one). I'm hoping to put more material out in the future.

If you're interested in checking out this library, you can go to my website at http://www.pureshift.com and look under Sound Design. The Reason version of this library is there as well. Thanks in advance for listening to my pitch!

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