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PC Software Suggestions, Please

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I want to get back into digital composition and editing after a 17 year hiatus. I'm guessing a lot has changed in the time since I last dabbled, so I'm looking to ease into it and relearn everything.

I'm looking for a basic, modern, cheap PC based program that will run on Windows Vista, and if it comes in under $100 that would be icing on the cake.

Any suggestions?

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Your $100 is better spent on a proper operating system.

BUT I'm not a 100% douchebag (more in the 80 range) so I can recommend you (for MIDI composition) to get FL Studio Fruity Edition (which is also 35% off this month), which will give you all the MIDI composition tools you'll need, without the more expensive features of producer edition. Producer includes audio recording, wav editing, and audip clip/samples editing/insertion.

If you want to work a lot with MIDI, don't do REAPER. Please. (Unless you want to save the money, which is fine.)

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Thank you for the suggestions, but budget is a huge factor right now and I can't afford another machine or even another OS.

I'm not even sure I'd want to invest in another OS with Windows 8 around the corner.

And I don't do Macs. Yeah, throw your stones. I don't mind.:roll:

I did play around with Fruity Loops a smidge about a decade ago, but honestly didn't like it. The interface was just really clunky to me. I might invest in a newer version if you think it's a decent tool for "starting over."

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Thank you for the suggestions, but budget is a huge factor right now and I can't afford another machine or even another OS.

Windows 7 is $100, about the same as your DAW budget.

Spend $100 on Windows 7, then use REAPER (which is free indefinitely until you want to sell your music).

I did play around with Fruity Loops a smidge about a decade ago, but honestly didn't like it. The interface was just really clunky to me. I might invest in a newer version if you think it's a decent tool for "starting over."

Dude FL isn't anywhere near what it was a decade ago. X_X Just go look at some pictures. It wasn't even a DAW.

Check it out:

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Linux is free and Reaper works great with Wine too (this is a free solution).

Reaper is fully functionnal even if you don't buy it (but it'll pop up a 'buy me?' when you start it for a few seconds). Try it out now, it's only a few Mb.

www.ubuntu.com (Linux Ubuntu, a great free OS, easy to install and super stable)



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