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Forsaken 64 remix (Need to add vocals/replace sequenced guitar with real guitar)

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Hello folks! Thought I'd throw my remix into the fire of the workshop thread and see how long this burns up.

I kinda had this James Cameron thing goin when I've always wanted to make a remix of this song, but didn't really pose the tools necessary to work on this, but now I do and I present it to you lol:


Rat Race


As you can hear, the source music wasn't really that expansive, so I tried to expand as much as I could with the knowledge I posess, without completely washing out the source tune which some may criticize me for already doing xD. I did find the tune really catch and I felt it had potential for an energetic big beat/breakbeat track. My brother will provide vocals once I'm finished which is soon because I'm really just trying to find a way to top it off at this point. Also, a friend of mine will be recording for me as well once I finish the arrangement.

I'd like to hear peoples input and whatnot, say whatever the eff is on your mind, I'll take what I can from all of the feedback recieved!! =D

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