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Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone


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I haven't posted here in nearly two years I believe. I'm sure no one remembers me. While I have been away I have been uploading songs to my Youtube page. Looks like I'll have to make several topics since the rules are one song per topic. This is my final version of Chemical Plant Zone that I decided to upload. I tried to keep it simple. Nothing can beat the original. Check it out. :-D All opinions are welcome

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Nice! I like the style, sort of like a jazz band! My main complaint is the electric guitar that comes in at 0:15 and plays until 1:03. It doesn't fit with the rest of the mix, it's too distorted. I really enjoyed the breakdown that comes after the first section, nice interpretation. I'm not sure if you plan on submitting this at some point, but if you decide to, I'd say it needs a bit more interpretation.

Overall, I think this is well done.

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