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This is a remix that I'm doing as an experiment for myself. In the past, when I've written remixes or covers I've had a really hard time trying to arrange things into something new. I feel like if I'm too familiar with the source, I'll have a bias for how it "should sound" and I can't ever break away from that into something new. So, with this mix, I started by choosing a game that I've never played and listened to the soundtrack until I found a song that sat well with me. It's gone through a few iterations getting some feedback from friends and now it's time for it to go to you all and see what you all think :)

Also, if you have any suggestions about how to overcome this "should sound" barrier, I'd love to hear them because, I really want to overcome this block that's always in my way.

Source track :

Mix : Soundcloud

Also, apologizing in advance if I've written something wrong or named something wrong. I'm new to the forums and looked around for a while before posting so I could see how others post but, still covering bases anyway.

Thanks to all who listen and extra thanks to those who reply!

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