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A Few Originals


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Been awhile OC, how goes it?

Here are a couple originals

"A Bustling Harbor Town"

done in a 8 hour rush, the title, I hope, gives you all you need to know.


"To The Stars"

wrote this for the anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger tragedy


"Forward Motion:

written for my sister's birthday. she was making a lot of positive changes in her life and I was happy for her.


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Some really excellent stuff. The Harbor Town was a very pleasant theme, and I could easily hear it in a good RPG game. I was particularly impressed by "Forward Motion" also. A really solid groove throughout, and a simple yet beautiful and catchy melody. I really love listening to a good solo guitar piece every now and then. Great work methinks!

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Harbor really nails the feeling it's supposed to.

To The Stars, I want to like it more than I do. Up to 1:13 it's really great. Then it feels a little aimless to me.

Forward Motion is lovely. Lots of emotion. I was surprised that it didn't end on a happy note. A major chord would've been a nice finish.

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Nice work with all three pieces!

"Harbor Town" is a lot of fun and has a great melody; I could definitely see myself playing in the environment that you've created. My only suggestion with it would be to lighten up on the cymbals a bit. They're a nice touch, but having them on 2 and 4 for such a long time makes them stale, especially when they get to be more bombastic with the entrance of the tympani.

"Forward Motion" works so well on solo guitar. Going off of what Amphibious said, the melody is simple, yet the way that you've arranged it with all of the moving parts on one guitar gives it a complexity that provides a sweet drive. Nice shirt in the video, by the way.

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