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Binary Birth - Act 01

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This is a cross post from my website that will be up tomorrow. I thought I'd post it here for for those who might be interested. For those that want to go straight to the music, here's the link: http://bsod.bandcamp.com/album/binary-birth-act-01


It's been quite some time since I released new material for the Binary Birth album (solo album project). There's so many reasons why that happened that it would take quite a bit of space to explain it all. In the end, it's my fault for getting so behind on things. After some thought, I have come up with a plan on how I'm going to proceed and I think it's a good plan.

I am releasing the first five songs of Binary Birth as an EP called 'Binary Birth - Act 01' and it's available now on Bandcamp. I'm setting the price at just $1.00 but you can give more if you wish. The rest of the album will be completed in Act 02 and there's a possibility it may stretch to a third act. These releases on Bandcamp will be kept quite cheap and there's a reason for that. For one, I plan on remixing things a little for the final release. Secondly, the final release will be done in physical form and I plan to set up a Kickstarter for that once all of the music has been completed.

I've learned a lot music wise during the past year. Much of that was due to the classes I took from Berklee and the rest comes from my newfound desire to put more effort into the music side of BS/OD as a whole. I love doing the comic and that will not be going away any time soon. I do think it's time, though, to concentrate a bit more on the other side of the coin. I'll divulge a bit more information on all of that as time moves on. In the mean time, please go grab your copy of Binary Birth - Act 01!

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