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Kiwi video game music research: Need participants!! Help further the study of video game music!!

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This thread is created to acquire participants for a research project conducted by Philip MacClure, a 3rd year music degree student studying at Southern Institute of Technology, Invercargill, New Zealand.

It is a research project centred on video game music and its effects on aspiring musically-inclined individuals. To qualify, you must have musical experience of some kind and be over 18. If you qualify, simply email this address: videogamemusicresearch@gmail.com and say 'willing to participate' or something similar. You will be sent an information sheet and a simple two page questionnaire. It should only take 5 - 10 minutes to fill out, THEN EMAIL IT BACK. Your name and any other details are not required as this research is completely anonymous. Your participation would be greatly appreciated and will serve to further this legitimate field of study.

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