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Remix locate request from Final Fantasy 2, Battle 1 song


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TL; DR version: Looking for the remix of a FF2, Battle 1 song that starts with 8-bit, but ends in full synthesized orchestra.

I used to have this remix of a Battle 1 of Final Fantasy 2 that started out in 8-bit for the first 16 measures (about 26 seconds in) that sounded like the actual OST:

Then after that it would go into a full synthesized orchestra that sounded really epic.

I got all of these songs and remix from a huge Final Fantasy soundtrack torrent and the song is probably still in there but it's doesn't have the name "Battle", "Fight", or "Sentou" because I listened to all of the songs with those words in it and I couldn't find it.

The face that I haven't been able to find this song has been bothering me for years now, and hopefully some of you will know it.


Edited by hobbes3
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