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Exactly what it says on the tin. I'm by no means very active in this particular community but I have stayed somewhat (still probably not to a sufficient degree) active in writing music. You'll find what I've created in the past couple of years on my Bandcamp artist page:


It's all free to listen to. For what it's worth, I hope at least some of it is entertaining.

What I'm looking for here, especially, is insight into just what my problem is with production values. To this day I haven't come even close, in my own estimation, to making something of the sort of quality that might be accepted on this site as a remix submission. And I've been into digital music for several years now (the appropriate smiley to sum this up would be :banghead: ).

Where am I going wrong? I need to learn to EQ? Get better samples? Better mastering plugins? Just plain be more meticulous across the board? Is it all in my head and I'm not as bad at this as I think I am? That'd be wonderful to hear too!

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