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HROST Project


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*I asked for permission to post this and was allowed to*

First of all thanks to all the users that will be reading this post either if they'll

be interested in partecipating, just enjoying it or will have suggestions for it to improve.

Presenting: Hrost Project



What does HROST stands for? Easily said; Hardware Recorded Ost. Yes exactly that. There's many games out there on miriads of old and new consoles and portables that had a great Soundtrack but never saw a CD release; or maybe they had a release with incorrect fade/loops (FFIV OST for example was butchered to fit on a single cd and was looped at 1,5 times instead of 2...).

Ever wondered why an emulated chiptune (spc as an example) or original CD OST sound different from what you remembered? It is because the sound IS different!

Before listening to the difference; just loking at waveforms is revealing;


Take a listen here:


0-15 original Remastered OST

15-25 SPC emulated sound

25-40 HROST recording

40-55 SPC

55-1:16 original Remastered OST

1:16 to end HROST recording

You'll certainly spot how wrong is the spc in its sound, with percussions completely off, and high pitched sounds... While the Hardware recording is way "smoother in sound" the volume of the instruments is more subtle and varied as if it was more "orchestrated"...

What is this all about?

Easy said; giving games that had great soundtracks but never had an OST released their well deserved attention.

But why doing this when you can already listen to emulated music for almost all consoles?

It's simple; it's just because the emulated sound is in no way 100% faithful to what the snes, or any other console (beside those using Cd based hardware) outputted. This may be due to incorrect emulation, bad music rips, the sound not being processed through the obsolete console's DAC, etc etc. In any case if you want to have the good old feeling your had while listening your favorite OST long ago, HROST is the place to

join :)

This project seems interesting! Can i join, help, record or request a game to be recorded?

All of this and more (like for example submitting OST reviews) can be done by joining our Forums! There you'll find sections regarding current rips, releases, requests, technical informations, how to, and more!

Is this project free?

Yup! all you'll see here will always be made for free and nothing will be in sale (unless maybe in the future some webpage merchandising if anyone will want it lol); if anyone will ever want to help out with hosting fees; well i won't stop him :D

What consoles and machines do you plan to cover?

Just about anyone I or YOU can get your hands on! From arcade machines, to NES, GB, PCengine.... In short anything that has an OST valuable enough to be saved, listened to and preserved!

For those wondering what a HROST Album looks like, here is a picture of the first released albums;


In short i'm sure that users here will find this project of use in they remixing work and in case they need to rip some sounds; also as already stated we plan to cover a vast array of systems, many of whom never had a chiptune format released, proving a confortable way for musician to listen to the music they had in their mind...

The just released Art Of Fighting Ost for example might inspire some remixers in their work it sounds completely different from the other consoles ports :-o

If you want to hear how HROST releases sound... Head to the site, register to forum and enjoy your stay! :) project started a little more than a week ago, so do not be concerned if the place is a bit bare :P


PS Releases so far are:

001-Super Aleste

002-Super Turrican

003-ActRaiser 2


005-Lemmings SNES

006-Aero Blasters MD

007-Sim City SNES

008-Art Of Fighting NeoGeo

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