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An Evening at The Hydrocity Cafe(WIP)

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Hey everyone! It's been a looong time since I've posted anything, or have even been on the OCRemix website haha but over the course of a few days, I've put together what I think is my best video game remix to date. It is a jazz version of Hydrocity Zone. My composition is a combination of acts 1 and 2. It was done completely by myself and made entirely in FL Studio 11. This is a WIP because I still need to adjust volumes and finish the improv section, which you will notice is the part with just the drums and bass. If anyone wants to be on this track, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. It would be neat to have another artist from the OCRemix community improv on this track. The cover art for this track got effed up so it looks really bad but I'll fix it. Take a listen and let me know what you guys think!! Also, how do I change my username on here? lol



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Hey everyone! It's been a looong time since I've posted anything, or have even been on the OCRemix website haha but over the course of a few days, I've put together what I think is my best video game remix to date. It is a jazz version of Hydrocity Zone. My composition is a combination of acts 1 and 2. It was done completely by myself and made entirely in FL Studio 11. This is a WIP because I still need to adjust volumes and finish the improv section, which you will notice is the part with just the drums and bass. If anyone wants to be on this track, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. It would be neat to have another artist from the OCRemix community improv on this track. The cover art for this track got effed up so it looks really bad but I'll fix it. Take a listen and let me know what you guys think!! Also, how do I change my username on here? lol



Hey, Electrifiedkeys; I listened to your remix. It's a good start, but there's a lot that could be improved. The drums in this mix are very midi like, This is because there's almost no dynamic changes. So I would add some velocity variation to add some more realistic dynamics to the drums. In FL Studio 11 you can do this by going to Files --> Tools --> Randomization. Once in the Randomization window, you can randomize the velocities of every note to your liking. This will not only help your drums sound more realistic; but it will help other instruments as well.


The guitar is pretty unrealistic too. I realize guitar is very hard to emulate; but you can definitely make it sound more convincing in FL Studio. I assume you're using FL Slayer for the guitar right? That's probably not going to give the best results. What would work better would be to put one of the clean guitar samples from FL Studio through an amp simulator like Guitar Rig or Amplitube 3. Both of them have free versions.


Also, you can find some free guitar sample libraries here. Putting these sample libraries through an amp sim might also wield good results:



Also, real guitar players will often slide up or down to notes. You can emulate this using pitch bending. Real guitarists will also use vibrato; which is when the pitch of a note goes up and down continuously. You can also emulate this using pitch bend. Velocity randomization will also help make the guitar more convincing.


Arrangement-wise after 1:09; the song is pretty much cut and paste. I would try to add some variation to the melody and drums.

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