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Community Help - University Ensemble travelling across country

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Hey everyone!

I know it's been a while since I was last routinely active on OCR.  Let's just say that the past four years of university have been, well, distracting at best.  However, I do have a favor of you to ask:

An ensemble at my university that I'm a member of has been invited to perform at the Jazz Education Network annual conference this January in Reno, NV, which is an incredible opportunity. Unfortunately, our School of Music is not currently able to fund the entire trip for us to travel from North Carolina to Reno and back, and so the students of the ensemble decided to set up a gofundme page to help tackle the funding issue.

I know this may be a stretch, but any little bit you could give will go a long way in getting our ensemble to Reno for this amazing opportunity! For more, visit the link above and to watch/listen to a recording of an original work we hope to perform in Reno. Thank you for your support!

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