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Super Chase HQ (SNES) - Crime City Remix

Banana Gazoo

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Here's a remix I threw together of a track from a childhood favorite SNES game, Super Chase HQ. This track plays after the 2nd round and is just a little 30 second loop that most people probably skip over, but I liked it a lot and decided to put my spin on it. Hope you enjoy!

Super Chase HQ - Crime City Remix

Super Chase HQ - Crime City Original Game Soundtrack

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Hi Banana!

That lead in the source is cursed. Detuned and awkward for sure - the tracks has a vibe, nonetheless!

You've built a great intro and A section, though I'm wondering if there's a B section you could come up with for some variety. The vibe is right for what you've got built, it just structurally says everything it needs to say in the first minute and then loops for another 30 seconds with nothing different.

The sub-bass information on the bass instrument also has some mud happening on some of the lower information. A different oscillator might be the right call for the lowest notes, but that's also a taste thing - if you are digging it, no reason to change it!

Keep making cool stuff man! Have a wonderful holiday!

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