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Looking for a musician for a mobile game (urgent!)


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Me and two of my fellow classmates are participating in a game development competition at our University. We're basically going to design and develop a game for mobile phones in 24 hours (20 hours now!), and since non of us are any good at making music, we're looking for a bit of help.

The game is a kind of simulation game. What you see if a planet that spins around and it's your job to turn this planet into a happy place. The planet is divided by day and night. You can only build stuff during the day. Some of these stuff will break down during the night and people will die of depression (or something :)). So you basically need to keep your people happy during the day so they will survive the night to live another day.

Thats the basic idea of the game, I won't go into details since it isn't necessary.

I also got a very basic picture of how the player will see the world:


So, we need someone who is willing to write some MIDI music for us for this game. I know it's rather tight time-wise, but that's a part of the challange :)

If you're interested, please contact me at majjen@gmail.com or reply here.

Thank you!

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