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hey everyone-

i've been a follower and fan of oc remix since i first stumbled across it in fall 2001, and it has definitely helped culminate my love for nerdy music, especially along the realm of video game music.

that love is seeing a reciprocation this september when i organize an event i'm calling nerdapalooza, an epic nerd music festival. what i'm currently trying to do is round up some interest in anyone who would like to perform at it.

among the list of interested performers are mustin and the oneups as well as shael riley, whom i was introduced to first because of this beautiful chunk of information.

if anyone is interested in nerdapalooza at all, performing, attending, help coordinate, i can be contacted at http://www.myspace.com/nerdapaloozafest

thank you for everything you do and keep up the amazing work!

~spiffmeister, aka john, aka hex warrior

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