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Fantasy Zone!


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I am frankly stunned that there are no Fantasy Zone remixes on this website, wether the game has been forgotton about or just simply overlooked, Opa-opa and his little enemies are classics and the music in the game is dying to be remixed. This was a game that stood out in my childhood for its bright colors and even more so its wonderful ear catching music.

Anyone who doesn't remember the game I urge you to check out the following.


& I also suggest hitting the youtubes for some sound reference.

This one is pretty good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AS_BDfz8doQ

P.S. I personally think the NES had the best version the music.

P.P.S. Sorry If I broke rules by posting links.

Also, great music here, really brings out my childhood hearing some of these.

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  • 7 months later...

I personally agree with you, the music in Fantasy Zone is just a catchy feel good kind of tune, and it should be remixed. Unfortunately I have never owned a nes but I do own a master system converter that lets me play Sega Master System on my Mega Drive II :).

How similar do you think the Master System version is to the nes version? They're both 8-bit and have similar capabilities.

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